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Ex-Mormon Resource Course! (payment plan)

Find the light and the truth at the end of the faith crisis tunnel!

What you'll get:

  • 17 sections of pertinent information on the LDS church
  • 9+ hours of video content
  • 200+ photo, video and pdf downloads to save and share
  • 200+ links and outside resources
  • All future updates for FREE
  • FREE access to Baby Steps Fellowship, a community for baby Christians to learn together
  • 15% off ALL of Madison Palica's extra healing resources
  • Lifetime access


What The "Founding Members" Are Saying:

EMRC has seriously changed my faith and my life! It’s been so amazing to be able to have a community of people who I feel truly understand me and I connect with. It’s been super hard for me (as a Christian, but non-Mormon, living in Utah) because I always feel singled out and like no one can relate to what I’ve been through... But this course has really opened my eyes and brought me closer to God. I’m so grateful for every lesson!

Nathalie Saldana

I’m halfway through the (Ex)Mormon Resource Course and I’m completely mind blown! Maddie has laid out videos, facts, and history on not only corruption within the LDS church, but shines so much light on how they are a key piece to implementing "The Great Reset!" Everything is backed by the Word (the Bible). Sooo much information that has clearly been heavily researched. Thank you, Maddie, for connecting so many dots!

Tanyail Wilson

The Ex-Mormon Resource Course is a deep dive into Mormonism. If you're questioning, trying to justify your faith, or are just curious to know more about mormons, then it is a gold mine of information that could be helpful. In addition to information, the comment sections allow for sharing your own experience and learning about the experiences of others! Life is a hard experience even without cult indoctrination. Quitting church is an overwhelming prospect. Working through it with transparent data, useful perspective, and a group of others in the same boat can help the transition run more smoothly than it has for some. Maddie provides a great resource that is well worth checking out!

Ryan Hatch

I would recommend EMRC to anyone searching for the truth about the LDS church. It can take a lot of time and digging to find out the truths that this organization has hidden from its members. Madison has gone to great lengths to compile a hefty amount of information that will answer the bulk of questions people have when doubting their Mormon faith. I’m glad I have found Madison and others that felt the same way, and had the courage and discernment to follow truth and not blindly follow deceivers who wish to corrupt the souls of man. It can be very frustrating and heart breaking once you come to terms that what you once thought was truth, was false, but the community Madison had created is absolutely amazing and will make you feel comforted and supported at all times. Please! If you have any doubts about the LDS faith (cult) I implore you to follow that gut feeling and dive into EMRC. The path to truth is a straight and narrow one, but filled with more joy than you can imagine.

Spencer Kelly